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лето се ближи, испити су ускоро готови, па ако се још нисте одлучили где ћете, пустите нас да вам помогнемо у избору. Издвојили смо неколико кампова, што нових, што старих, на којима још увек има места. Читајте и зовите нас ако сте заинтересовани.
Канцеларија за младе, Краља Александра Првог 63, тел: 8724025, е-маил: kzm.obrenovac@yahoo.com.


Name of the Camp: Festambiente Vicenza 
Dates: 19/06 – 29/06  
Number of participants: 16  – Over 18 

PROJECT: Festambiente Vicenza is the most important and well-known environmental festival in the North-East of Italy. Since 2002 the event has been focused on subjects such as environment, peace, justice and solidarity and it promotes alternative and sustainable ways of life.  The 2010 edition will be an opportunity for volunteers from all over the world to learn more about the themes of the festival and to discover the city also known as “the city of Palladio” for its refined architecture. It will be a good chance to share experiences with some Italian volunteers who organize the festival.You will take part actively in the organization of the event helping with the logistics and all the practical tasks concerning the festival. Volunteers will also meet people who are interested in the same subjects in order to deepen their knowledge about environmental issues.

WORK: The volunteers will be involved in activities linked to the festival such as supporting the staff at the bar/restaurant, keeping the park space cleaned, building up stages, advertising, handing in flyers to promote the event and  being involved in other tasks.

LOCATION: Festambiente Vicenza takes place in the Retrone River Park, Vicenza district, Veneto region.

ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will be hosted in a guesthouse, 15 min from the park and from the downtown walking.

LANGUAGE: English will be the official language of the work camp. 

TERMINAL: Treviso / Verona / Venice International airports; Vicenza railway station.


Name of the Camp: “SLEPCE 2010” 
Dates: 20/07/10 – 30/07/10
Number of participants: 10 VOLS; age 18-35 

WORK: Volunteers will work in the two monastery complexes and its surroundings. Daily work will be up to 6 hours per day. Work will contains clean up actions and horticultural arranging of the monastery yard, fixing inventory and helping in daily working duties in monasteries.

Volunteers will enjoy natural beauty of Slepce and nearby villages and learn about local customs and socialize with local people. Volunteers will have the opportunity to learn about monastery tourism in Demir Hisar municipality. Also volunteers will have workshops about making honey process and fresco painting.

ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will be accommodated in the monastery complex. Please bring sleeping bags. Showers and toilets available…There will be plenty of food of different kinds (vegetarian food included). Volunteers will help in food preparation in cooperation with the local cook. LOCATION: 2, 5 km from village Slepce near Demir Hisar, 25 km from Bitola

TERMINAL: Ohrid, Skopje
Participation fee: 20 EUR
For more information’s visit http://www.culture.org.mk/eMANSLEP.HTM          
Name of the Camp: Friends of the bears, Kuterevo
Dates: 19/06/2010-03/07/2010
Number of participants: 10 vols
Local Organization ‘Refugium Ursorum’ is a refuge for bears that, due to accident or poaching, have been separated from their mothers when they were too young to live independently. ‘Refugium Ursorum’ promotes ecology, sustainable development and eco-tourism.WORK:Volunteers will collect wild fruits, grasses and roots for bear food, building contemplation labyrinth in a mountain meadow, building a shelter for hikers with a compost toilet, improving watering places for wild beasts, improving a village puddle, creating a photo presentation of the works, people and bears, creating a digital photo-documentation about the village, village people and their everyday life. 
Host organization will organise a presentation of the local community and the village associations as well as demonstrations of the local dance kolo and the traditional Croatian instrument tamburica.

ACCOMMODATION: volunteers will prepare their own food in outdoor kitchen facilities. Accommodation is basic, sleeping bags necessary, outside showers and compost toilets 

LANGUAGE: English, German, Croatian 

TERMINAL: Kuterevo is a village in the mountains, located within the nature park Velebit in the mountain habitat of the European brown bear. The meeting point is in Otočac (17 km from Kuterevo)
Most of the activities are hard physical work.
Participation fee: 30 euro. Not accessible to wheelchairs.