Представљамо вам неколико нових занимљивих кампова. Овде се можете пријавити за волонтерски камп, а све додатне информације можете добити у Канцеларији за младе сваким радним даном од 7:30-15:30.

03.08 – 19.08                                      

The project: études ET chantiers espace central (regional office of UNAREC in Auvergne region) and the city of Clermont-Ferrand are cooperating for the very first time regarding the Saint Jacques district of the town. This project aims at involving the local youngsters and their family in the improvement of their living environment.

Works: You will spend your time with the teenagers, doing on the district development works: a sensory path is projected as well as the painting of some commun areas. You will be able to create activities (animation) for and with the local teenagers and you will have the opportunity to present your country, culture, etc.

Accommodation: You will share fitted bedrooms in a workers hostel.

Location: You will be hosted in the city centre of Clermont-Ferrand, located in the centre of France, in the heart of the volcanic area “Chaîne des Puys”. About 15 kilometers from the city, you will find the Puy-de-Dôme, the highest volcano of the chain. The city also teems with an outstanding heritage: a gothic cathedral, a UNESCO heritage roman basilica… The dark lava stones of building fronts and fountains are derived from the local volcanos.

Nearest “big town”: CLERMONT FERRAND

Nearest airport: CLERMONT FERRAND airport

Terminal: CLERMONT FERRAND train station

Special Requirements: You will take part in a project aiming at giving the opportunity to the teenagers to meet youngs from other backgrounds and environment and at sharing working time and activity time together. Be all set for meaningful meetings and for developing your coordinator soul!


The project: For the first time, études ET chantiers espace central (regional office of UNAREC in Auvergne region) decided to mix its two main activities: local inclusion work project and international workcamp. You’ll be hosted by the French participants of the inclusion project and you’ll be with them working and visiting the region…

Works: You’ll participate in the inclusion project and share the work: environmental tasks at the famous Plateau de Gergovie and work on the cultural heritage of a small village.

Accommodation: Not confirmed yet.

Location:The workcamp is located in the village of Gergovie Val d’Allier (not far and in the South of Clermont Ferrand city) in the heart of the countryside and volcanic area called “Chaîne des Puys”.

Nearest “big town”: CLERMONT FERRAND

Nearest airport: CLERMONT FERRAND airport

Terminal: CLERMONT FERRAND train station

Special Requirements: You’ll be involved in a patrimonial and environmental project, but especially social!! 

RU-ECZ 6.7 Green Wild Fortress II

The project is organized for the second time by EcoCenter Zapovedniks and National Park Ugra. The Park is situated in 180 km from Moscow in south-west direction. The most picturesque rivers in Great Russian flatland are part of the park. The banks of this river are green with oak forests, shadowy fir woods. They created the defense of Moscow State from Tatar attacks in 16-17 century. In dangerous places they were strengthened by artificial constructions. The remains of these constructions are still there in the form of dykes and earthworks. In 2008 the museum, deducated to this unique historical, natural, architectural and military monument was created there. The main idea of the project: building the part of open-air exposition close to the museum.

Work: building defence elements of Stolpitskaya fortress stockades, wooden tower, etc. All elements are built with logs, which should be brought to the workplace, dug in, etc. it is hard physical work! Also watering young oaks and pulling weeds, working with plants, which will restore large-leaved forests in the territory of the park. Accommodation: tent camp near the forestry office close to the museum, forestry visit-center and forest nursery. The shower is simple and in the lake. WC open-air. Cooking by our own in gas range in summer kitchen. Electricity available. Distance to the nearest inhabited place 1,5 km. Mobile phone works everywhere. No internet. Study: visiting famous Russian spiritual centers monasteries and women monastery, excursion to the Obolensky mansion-house along the ecological trail.

What to bring: a tent, anti-moscito and anti-mite remedy (there is no encephalitis! But there can be mites with Lime disease), sun cream, bathing suit, warm and waterproof clothes and shoes in case of rainy weather, a bowl, a cup, a knife and a fork, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, flashlight, personal hygiene items.

Geography: Berezichskoe forestry is situated in 60 km from Kaluga. 12 km to Kozelsk, the nearest town of Kaluga region. From Moscow you can get to Kaluga-1 with express trains or electric trains from Kievsky railway station or with the bus from bus station in metro Teply Stan. In Kaluga-1 railway station/bus station the bus of the national Park will meet the volunteers.

Language: English/Russian Special requests: skills in work with axe are welcome.